
JAY-K Lumber Web Help

Feel free to contact us any number of ways:

  • Stop by the store and talk to us in person
  • Call us at the store 315-735-4475 or 1-800-USA-WOOD
  • Fax us at the store 315-735-0049

Account information will be displayed once successfully signed into the Portal.

  • The Sign In link in the top right-hand corner can be used from any page to return to the Sign in Screen.

  • Please note Passwords are case sensitive.


Depending on the browser display size the menu bar may be across to the top of the screen or collapsed as a menu.




The list of available pages will displayed on the left hand side or under the menu list


Individual document details can be viewed by selecting the document number.  Within the details the document button will open the document in a new tab where it can be saved or printed.



The Setting option provides the ability to change the password used to access the Portal.